  • Intersex Awareness Event HTW Berlin
  • Design Thinking and Human Values Course
  • Intersex is beautiful

Project: Design Thinking and Human Values
What did I do: Print Design, Social Media Campaign and Exhibition Design
What for: Intersex Awareness Event
Where: HTW Berlin
Year: 2018

Happy to explain!

I juggle a full-time job with staying sharp in the UX community and finding inspiration outdoors with my dog. Let's connect on LinkedIn. I'm super happy to explain my impact on this project!

Design Thinking & Human Values

Intersex Awareness Print & Exhibition Design

The topic of LGBTQIA* visibility is close to my heart and therefore lots of my energy went into the course Design Thinking and Human Values. After months of getting acquainted to the topic and interviewing people in the community our team of students decided to organise an Intersex Awareness Event at HTW Berlin. My responsibilities in this were Print Design of exhibited posters, Social Media Campaign and Exhibition Design. Other students were in charge of a video screening and the creation of art pieces to be exhibited.

Click through the slide show above to see some photos and posters from the event.